High Density Power lines

An high density power line is a structure used in electric power transmission and distribution to transmit electrical energy across large distances. It consists of one or more uninsulated electrical cables (commonly multiples of three for three-phase power) suspended by towers or poles.

High density power lines

Since most of the insulation is provided by the surrounding air, high density power lines are generally the least costly method of power transmission for large quantities of electric energy.

High density lines are also occasionally used to supply transmitting antennas, especially for efficient transmission of long, medium and short waves. For this purpose a staggered array line is often used.

 Along a staggered array line the conductor cables for the supply of the earth net of the transmitting antenna are attached on the exterior of a ring, while the conductor inside the ring, is fastened to insulators leading to the high-voltage standing feeder of the antenna.

Where should you look for High Density Power Lines?

If you are setting up an industry which requires good power supply, then you have to check for high density power lines in that area. It will benefit your industry especially if your industry is a heavy one.

If you are looking to lease or rent an Industrial Zone with High Density Power Lines in Coimbatore, you can contact Vedanth Industrial Zones – one of the best Industrial Areas in Coimbatore. Click here to know more about their land’s features and flexible leasing and renting terms.

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